How to use Crochet Row Counters

Photo by Edz Norton on Unsplash

How to use Crochet Row Counters

Crochet is a handicraft that makes yarn into a textured fabric using a hooked needle "a crochet hook."_

To fuel one's interest in crochet, the first step is to buy a crochet hook or a hookset. There are various types of hooksets. They come with several accessories and tools which seem difficult to use.

In this article, you'll learn the use of one of the major tools in a hookset even as a total beginner.

● Row Counters

These tools are small, efficient, and easy to use. They are used to take note of the number of rows reached. It helps to find out what number of rows one has crocheted in case one gets distracted. It saves time because recounting rows takes extra time. And some rows may be difficult to count because of the stitch texture.

Here is a step-by-step process on how to use a row counter :

1. Remove the row counters from the pack. Most row counters come in a pack (nylon) or a section of the crochet hookset bag.

2. Begin your work. Start with your foundation chain or magic circle and proceed to the first row of your project.

3. Start counting. Turn the right white area of your row counterclockwise. Ensure that while you do this, the numbers on the row counter are facing you and are not upside down.

4. Continue the process. As you increase in rows, keep moving the row counter to your current row number.

5. Do not get stuck at 9. The numbers on the right side end at nine. This does not mean you cannot count above nine. To count above ten, repeat instructions 3 but now on the left side.

6. Finish your project. Keep crocheting and taking error-free notes of the number of rows till the end of your project.

Now you know how to use a row counter. Ensure to use it in your next project. Row Counters are available for sale at Leemah's Crochet Corner Shop We are currently running a 10% discount on row counters that ends on the 15th of August, 2022.

In the next episode, we'll discuss how to use stitch markers.